We are so proud to announce our 23-24 Teacher of the Year, Ms. Meagan Pefferkorn!! We are so excited to have the opportunity to celebrate Ms. Meg’s many contributions to our students and staff! Congratulations Ms. Meagan! Thank you for being such a special part of our LES faculty! 💚💛
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
As a reminder so that necessary arrangements can be made, Vermilion Parish School System will be closed on Monday, November 7th and Tuesday, November 8th for Fall Break and Election Day. In addition, the Thanksgiving Break is just around the corner. Schools and central office will be closed on November 21st through November 25th.
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
Ms. Josie made this amazing zones of regulation display. This will be such an important tool for our students! Thank you Ms. Josie!! 😃 😭 😡 😆
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
Mrs. Natalie’s students are finishing up a sign study. They have been learning about signs in our community and at school. Each small group picked their favorite sign that they learned about and painted signs.
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
stop sign
Ms. Kyli’s class planted beans in water beads. This is their investigation of plant parts! 🌱
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
We would like to congratulate this year's 4H officers. Chloe Hebert, President Cullen Leblanc, Vice president Bryce Broussard, Secretary Cooper Broussard, Treasurer Ryan Elise Leblanc, Historian Ava Schexnayder, 5th grade CRD Noah Simon, 4th grade CRD
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
4h Officers
Lion List - Week of 10/24-10/28
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
Lion List
Monday is the official state mandated parent/teacher conference day for Vermilion Parish schools. Students do not have school. Specific details on the schedule of your child's school should have been given out by the individual school.
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
Game Day Protocol Changes
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
Game Day
Tomorrow is the beginning of the second nine weeks of school. Report Cards are set to go home on Friday, October 21st. Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, October 24th.
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
Mrs. Pollitt's second graders celebrated their HUGE Dibels reading growth with donuts. The class read a total of 615 more words in a minute last week for progress monitoring than they did at the end of August! That is an average growth of 25 words per minute for each student in just 6 weeks.
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
Mrs. Kailey’s second graders worked together to determine how many people they could give a ten dollar bill to if they had $1,000.
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
It’s Tech Tuesday!!!
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
tech Tuesday
We are so excited to welcome our friends from Nova Scotia, Canada to perform for our students this week! The kids are loving this unique cultural experience! 🇨🇦
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
Lion List - Week of 10/10
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
Lion List
Don’t forget to get those AR points in this week! Let’s reach our school-wide goal of 1,000 points!! 🥳
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
To celebrate our buildings unit Ms. Simone’s Class worked in small groups to build different structures using different materials! We then had a tour of everyone’s building and they described what they built and how they used teamwork to build their building.
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
Mrs. Kyli’s class practice writing while cheering for the Bobcats! 💙
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
bobcat writing
1st graders went on a Noun Hunt!!
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
October Habit of the month!
over 2 years ago, LeBlanc Elementary
habit 2